
Mitski "Laurel Hell" LP

Vinyl Options: Black Vinyl

We don’t typically look to pop albums to answer our cultural moment, let alone to meet the soul hunger left in the wake of global catastrophe. But occasionally, an artist proves the form more malleable and capacious than we knew. With Laurel Hell, Mitski cements her reputation as an artist in possession of such power - capable of using her talent to perform the alchemy that turns our most savage and alienated experiences into the very elixir that cures them.

Her critically beloved last album, Be the Cowboy, built on the breakout acclaim of 2016’s Puberty 2 and launched her from cult favorite to indie star. She ascended amid a fever of national division, and the grind of touring and pitfalls of increased visibility influenced her music as much as her spirit. Like the mountain laurels for this new album is named, public perception, like the intoxicating prism of the internet, can offer an alluring façade that obscures a deadly trap—one that tightens the more you struggle. Exhausted by this warped mirror, and our addiction to false binaries, she began writing songs that stripped away the masks and revealed the complex and often contradictory realities behind them.

With the art lover, the collector, and the super-fan in mind, four limited edition slip covers are offered for the standard CD. Each slip cover is graced with snaking lyrics excerpted from "Valentine, Texas"—the opening track of Laurel Hell—and each slip cover features special silver ink and a different typographic design. Inside the slip cover you will find the standard CD and packaging.
