Flenser Releases by Artist
May we suffer together
May we suffer together
White Suns have been blurring the boundaries between harsh noise and avant rock for over a decade now, stunning audiences and releasing highly praised albums on ugExplode, Load, and Flenser. Decoherence is extremely proud to present their 5th album, “the lower way.”
The trio of Kevin Barry, Dana Ma, and Rick Visser have called the latest White Suns configuration “hybrid trash rock,” where detuned and prepared guitars are played to a “rhythm section” of synthesizers, cut-up samples, and processed percussion. The band’s expert use of dynamics, focused vision, and years of experience playing together means these tools are used to maximum effect. The album was performed and recorded live, and in nice clear fidelity, so even during the most dense squall of noise, the listener can hear how the instruments are interacting, the band always listening and playing off one another.
100% Gloom
No Future