

In 2011, two strangers named Daisy Caplan (Lung, Foxy Shazam) and Leo Ashline (Street Sects) connected over the internet to collaborate on a set of noisy, bass-driven collage-punk pieces. Written and recorded over two days in a basement in Louisville, KY, the instrumental material was a flash of frustration over the interpersonal conflict Caplan’s former band found itself embroiled in. Ashline was deep in the throes of addiction at the time; much of the vocals were written and recorded under the influence of hard drugs at various locations in Austin, TX. These two worlds almost collided when Ashline briefly moved to Cincinnati to properly start the band while Caplan was on tour in the UK. A series of drug-related episodes exploded the nascent project and sent Leo to his rock-bottom and subsequent rehab, inspiring him to commit to a sobriety that has held strong ever since.

Now, nearly a decade later, these songs finally find a proper release via The Flenser. Swift and manic, the seven tracks on History represent a bridge between two people and two places, both literally and figuratively. It is a transition from hopelessness to hope, from a total lack of self worth to the beginnings of a sense of confidence and newfound purpose.

History may not have existed, but that didn’t stop it from being a hidden influence on the lives of those involved.

History may not have existed, but that didn’t stop it from being a hidden influence on the lives of those involved. History will periodically emerge as an ongoing project. For now, History will be available digitally on October 16th from The Flenser (with physical copies exclusive to Flenser Series Two members). Digital downloads can be pre-ordered on Bandcamp.

History will periodically emerge as an ongoing project.

History, track listing:
1. Breadline
2. Fiscal
3. LandHammers
4. Butter Teeth
5. Gaslight
6. Clown
7. Fear

Artist photo by: Angela Betancourt
